St. Peter's Basilica in Rome
Is the Roman Catholic really the first Church?
1 Tim. 3:15
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to
behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living
God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Many Catholics are deceived into believing that this scripture is
speaking of the “Roman” Catholic Church. Thus they are bound to remain
in a church that has fallen into paganism and false doctrine, believing
Catholic verses “Roman” Catholic
The term “Church” in scripture does not mean “the Roman Catholic
Church”. The word “church” means “assembly, meeting, a calling out, a
religious congregation” (Strongs #1577 “ekklesia”) When a scripture
verse is quoted pertaining to the “church”, Catholics are taught that
the reference to "the church" means the "Roman Catholic Church"! This is
not true!
My reply:
1 Tim. 3:15
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Many Catholics are deceived into believing that this scripture is speaking of the “Roman” Catholic Church. Thus they are bound to remain in a church that has fallen into paganism and false doctrine, believing that it “IS THE CHURCH OF GOD”!
Catholic verses “Roman” Catholic
The term “Church” in scripture does not mean “the Roman Catholic Church”. The word “church” means “assembly, meeting, a calling out, a religious congregation” (Strongs #1577 “ekklesia”) When a scripture verse is quoted pertaining to the “church”, Catholics are taught that the reference to "the church" means the "Roman Catholic Church"! This is not true!
You give the meaning of "EKKLESIA KATHOLES" which literally means, "The Church throughout" or "The Universal Church" which comes up with the Catholic Church. May I ask HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE? The catholic church IS NOT UNIVERSAL IN ANYWAY! They are of their own and SHUN ALL OTHER CHURCHES! Just the OPPOSITE of UNIVERSAL? How is it the catholic's can even lay claim to "The church throughout" when at that time it was Christianity that was going around. Just ask Caesar, I don't recall him burning ANY CATHOLIC'S!
TumugonBurahinEKKLISIA means "Congregation" not church so Christianity is the universal faith in Christ.
TumugonBurahinPeter responded, confessing Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of God.”. ... The Greek term for “church” is ekklesia (found 114 times in the New Testament). ... The definition is simply ‘assembly,’ ‘congregation,’ ‘meeting’ and ‘church’” (Redden, 2010, 30; emphasis added). Malue Williams
TumugonBurahinJesus Christ called His church the Universal Church or Catholic church